What went wrong?

Goshhh....it's been a long time since I posted anything here. One of my friend reminded me "Kenapa lo nyantumin blog lo di Instagram tapi gak pernah diupdate?" 

Well to be honest lately I feel not creative and don't have as much energy as I used to have. Is it because of age factor? 
Dulu waktu jaman kuliah, pertama kali gw punya blog ini kayanya semangat banget, I want to show the world my creations, sekarang mau ngapa2in aja bawaannya udah males duluan. Makanya tahun ini gw cuma bisa maksain diri buat selalu ngegambar. Lately bahkan udah jarang banget mau megang kamera, do I still love photography? the answer is YES. 
Photography is always my first love. 

Ini salah satu foto pertama yang gw hasilkan, Mushola dan Awan yang indah didepan rumah :) 

I'm not really good at story telling, perhaps because I don't like to read as well. Itulah mengapa blog ini kebanyakan isinya ya cuma foto dan gambar. 
I share my life through pictures and sketches. 

Like this one, this is when I was super happy, I was traveling to Sumba at that time, and I knew someone is waiting for me in Jakarta

Or this one, I still remember, I sketched this when I was in high school like 3 years ago (yup 3 years LOL) 

and this one when I got my heart broken for the very first time, barusan aja gw liat semua isi blog gw, and I still remember exactly semua yang gw rasakan saat gw posting sesuatu, gila ini kaya buku diary yang gak sengaja dipublikasikan. Yang pasti gw gak pernah cerita secara gamblang lah apa aja yang terjadi dihidup gw :P Cukup dengan gambar dan photo saja. 

Well, what ever happened, thank you buat semuanya yang sudah menyempatkan diri membuka blog gw atau menyukai karya gw. I really appreciate it. Thank You


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